Professional Lash Extension Tweezers 101

There is no doubt that lash artists cannot lash with just any tweezers. Despite this, there are a plethora of lash extension tweezers available, ranging from different brands and quality tweezers to various sizes and shapes! There aren't many resources for artists who are new to this space that break down these products. Consider this a crash course in Professional Lash Extension Tweezers 101!
Tweezers for Eyelash Extensions
True, there are a plethora of lash extension tweezers available. They do, however, break down into sub-categories, so I'm going to concentrate on those sub-categories to ensure you're fully acquainted with them before diving deeper! So, out of all of these tweezers, which ones are the best to use, and in what situations do you use them?
1. Isolation Tweezers
Buy Eyesylash Isolation Tweezers
What are they? These are the simplest and, in my opinion, the most important! They are straight tweezers with a slight curve on the underside that allows the artist to place them against the client's brow without extending and resting on the eyelid.
What are they used for? Isolation, of course. These little beauties will keep your work neat and simple. They enable the artist to separate and ISOLATE each individual lash that will be extended, preventing adhesive from migrating to other lashes.
When are they used? ALWAYS! When applying classic or volume makeup, the artist will always want to use isolation tweezers.
Are there different variations? Yes, slight variations in curves are available to meet the needs of individual artists.
2. Straight Tweezers
Buy Eyesylash Straight Tweezers
What are they? Straight tweezers are commonly used by artists to begin with. They're straight...tweezers... yep. Just the facts. They're long and narrow, with a tapered tip at the end.
What are they used for? They enable the artist to pick up and place individual extensions on each isolated natural lash with ease.
When are they used? Straight tweezers are most commonly used for classic lashes (one lash extension to one natural lash)
Are there different variations? There are variations of straight tweezers. They mostly range in size and length, which is based on artist preference.
3. Volume Tweezers
Buy Eyesylash Volume Tweezers
What are they? These babies will make the most money for an artist, so pay attention! Tweezers for volume lash extensions are long and always have a curvature at the tip that tapers to a point!
What are they used for? The curved tip of volume tweezers allows artists to pick up and grip multiple lash extensions at the same time.
When are they used? Volume tweezers are specifically designed for volumizing lashes (multiple lash extensions to one natural lash). They make it simple to make a lash fan and manipulate multiple lash extensions at the same time!
Are there different variations? Volume tweezers come in a variety of styles. J tweezers and L tweezers are two of the most commonly used volume tweezers.
3.1 J Tweezers and L Tweezers
Buy Eyesylash L Tweezers
What are they? Because of the curvature at the tip, they are named J and L. L tweezers taper to a 120-90 degree angle at the tip, resembling a "L." J tweezers have a curved 150-120 degree curve that closely resembles a J.
What are they used for? L tweezers are commonly used to pick up five or more lashes at a time because they provide the artist with more surface area to grip the lashes (along the "straight" of the "L," see 1:15 in the video below for visual reference). J tweezers are used for lashes with five or fewer lashes because they have less surface area to grip (refer to 1:25 in the video below). However, many artists prefer to use one or the other due to comfort rather than quantity of lashes.
Features of High Quality Lash Tweezers
Buy Eyesylash Complete Tweezer Kit
When you're looking for the last pair of tweezers, keep one thing in mind: you get what you pay for. Don't take the cheapest option. There are low-cost, high-quality tweezers available. I guarantee it! Don't let a low price detract from the quality of your daily lash tool. The most important feature to look for in extension tweezers is quality.
It's also very simple to find "quality." Simply look for medical grade steel. Yes, it is that simple. Medical grade steel sterilizes, does not rust, and is extremely durable! But be careful; I've encountered some professional companies that advertise their tweezers as medical grade steel, but they rusted! That's not cool. Your lash extension tweezers are your best friend, so buy them from a reputable company you trust and always test them to ensure they don't rust or bend easily.